
Today i received the news that dean office wont be releasing the result just yet. They need to have meeting with dean and etc. i guess my decision was right to ignore all these and proceeds with studying.

Lately spend most of my time in library. i guess its peaceful by just being there. finished gynae and hoping to finish obstetric tomorrow. had headache earlier at 8pm and missed my night session today..darn it. need to work even harder tomorrow!

Owh actually main post today is about SPM, saw luqman posted link regarding the result. it will be out on 11th march. another 7 days... goodluck to both of you.. seems like three of us will be anxious all over the weekends. i strongly believe both of u are the most clever... so dont worry

what is this? its vitiligo. associated with autoimmune.
zzzz off to bed now

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fifi March 5, 2010 at 3:29 PM  

yes, i do agree with on them being smartest among all of us. Good luck adik!!