Congratulation to NIK Hafinni and Haris

The blog has been left unattended for quite awhile but the new update will be dedicated to my special friend fini

Though this post might be comprehensive due to the fact I'm still feeling feverish since the same day she is engaged.

I received sms few days ago inviting me to her "you know what event" and it was a blast since the whole group was there, be it from Penang or even sucky selayang (:D)

7pm: arrival at Surian for our checkpoint
8pm: disembarked to her house
9pm: berbalas pantun antara pihak BUNGA and KUMBANG, FINI jd perempuan paling ayu dan bersopan santun. Esp when asked "btol ke yg ni pasangannye" and she answered tersipu2 "ye.."
10pm: the food was a blast. Can't really appreciate considering the weight gain and the fever started to spike

Pardon the image quality. 3.2mp je akakaa.
By the way I hope both of u will lasts their whole lifetime.Congratulation again :)
Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone


perempuan ayu November 22, 2010 at 9:44 AM  

aaauuwww sooo ko lupa nk mention yg au sgtttt gojes mlm tu...hahahahahahahahahahahahahahha